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    Bel Abruzzo with side trips to Umbria, Lazio and Campania

    By avvocato from New Jersey, Summer 2003 June 27 - July 10 Abruzzo+ This trip report was originally posted on SlowTrav. L'Aquila and Campo Imperatore June 27 Arrive in Rome and drive to L’Aquila (A24) to the Hotel Duca degli Abruzzi. Walk around the city center, Piazza Duomo where there is...
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    Abruzzo - Family, Food and Wine

    By avvocato from New Jersey, Fall 2004 Trip to Abruzzo and a little of Umbria between September 23 and October 11, 2004 This trip report was originally posted on SlowTrav. Day 1 - Philadelphia to Rome to Pescara The overnight flight was quite nice. The airplane was packed despite this being...