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  1. K

    Hello from the Mediterranean

    Hello everyone! I am a lover of travel and writer too. My love is the Mediterranean, so I’m here to share and learn about it You can see about my travels here Feel free to ask me anything.
  2. B

    Greece Watch out for Thanos Bairlis in Athens, Greece!

    I was advised to make the summary brief, but I could easily write pages of positive reviews for Thanos Bairlis. I have no investment or reward in writing this review other than to, in some small way, try to repay the effort made by Thanos to ensure a life-long wish to experience the locations of...
  3. VictoriaJZ

    Archaelogical and Historical places near Thessaloniki??

    Mark and I are looking [finally] to going to Greece in October and we will be traveling independently but because of his age/health we won't be doing the active hiking we might have in the past = but we love to visit historical and archaelogical places == we have been to Athens/Delphi/Hydra on...
  4. Georgia & Zig

    Trip of Gifts - Italy, Greece and Switzerland

    By zig from Kentucky, USA, Fall 2006 An amusing journey with Zig and Georgia as they travel on a tight budget through part of Switzerland, Liguria and make a pilgrimage to Greece, Sept 25 - Oct 9, 2006. This trip report was originally posted on SlowTrav. 9/25/06 - Travel Day - Kentucky to...
  5. Doug Phillips

    Greece Rambles in the Peloponnese - Sept. 19 - Oct 4, 2018

    Why we were there The genesis of this trip came at the Living Locally Fair in Russell, Ontario in January 2017. A man was selling olive oil from his family’s property in the Peloponnese part of Greece. Along with the bottles of oil there was a small display with photos, maps & text. I was...
  6. Linda Yoder

    Does anyone know about Greek Ferries?

    Our family will be on the Greek Island of Paros this summer. We are going to take a ferry to Santorini for a couple days. We want to take the Blue Star Ferry so we can sit outside if we want to. Does anyone know if at the end of May I should buy the tickets in advance? If so, what is the best...