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28 Beautiful travel words that describe "Wanderlust"


1000+ Posts
I came across this article while reading up on a travel word I hadn't known : "fernweh", a German word used to describe an aching for far-away places. Many of these lovely words, from various languages, certainly manage to express and articulate some of those special travel feelings we get, before, during and after travel. I certainly "suffer" from some of them...
And along the same vein, an additional article, describing how people can feel homesick for places they have never been to, even for places that don't exist.
A nice short read for the weekend, enjoy.
I've seen several of those words, some in other contexts. Sehnsucht for travel longing, but other Greek and Latin terms I've come across in philosophy or religion contexts (like "the numinous"). And of course those of us who learned to cook from "The Joy of Cooking" will always associate "cockaigne" with its author, the great Irma Rombauer.
Wanderlust is also German. I like though that there is a subtle difference between it and fernweh. The second word on your link, sonder, is not a real word as far as I know (that is, it is not included in any dictionaries and was made up in Tumblr as a quick google search showed).

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