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A Change For The Better


1000+ Posts
Flying from Italy to Louisville is always challenging. We fly USAirways (now merged with American) and their schedules sometimes had us arriving back in Louisville at midnight. A few times it was faster to fly from Rome To Philly, then to Washington DC and finally to Louisville, usually arriving around 9:30 p.m. It was a very long and exhausting day!

This year we're flying open jaws: into Rome but back out of London (Heathrow). Imagine my delight when I discovered that American had a flight that would get us back into Louisville by THREE in the afternoon! The 7:45 departure would be painful, but who sleeps well the night before a flight anyway?

Until today, when flight schedules changed, and we only had 60 minutes to clear Customs and immigration - in Chicago! I was told 80 minutes is minimum - and I wouldn't feel safe with one second less than 2 hours - maybe more - so the agent offered us an 11 o'clock departure, with a 7:15 p.m. arrival which is perfect! Get home,, take a shower, CRASH!

Anyway, for once the airline's change is even better than I'd booked, and we're 4 rows further forward on our transatlantic flight - and still on the right side of the plane. Hint: for long flights FROM Europe to the United States, the A-B (left as you face forward) side of the plane gets HOT! You have to keep your shade down the entire time, The right side of the plane is much more comfortable. On the flight TO Europe it doesn't matter which side you sit on - it'll be dark (and cold!) outside of the windows!

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