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Help Needed Adding pictures on Blogger posts


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As I started to blog on my trip, I found that the Blogger app for iOS is no longer supported, and got advice to use Blogger on the Chrome browser. I compose posts on the iPad and take pictures on the iPhone. If, after posting the text, I tap on the picture logo on the phone to add pictures, the options include "From your phone" and the box appears to say I need Google Plus, which I'd rather not get because of what I hear about cookies invading all my browsing.

I have Dropbox for transferring files between devices, and try to work with the bigger display of the iPad. I see that Dropbox has reduced what it covers in the free version. I think it allows giving a picture a URL, and then Blogger allows inserting an image "From a URL," but when I tried that it said that isn't a public URL. This seems much too complicated: is there any advice here? Maybe I need to change blogging programs in the middle of the trip, or just do text and see, when I'm home at my desktop, about incorporating pictures into the text in a Slow Europe trip report.
I take photos with my iPhone and sync my photos with iCloud. I pay $0.99/month for extra iCloud storage. I can then access these photos from my iPad. I use the iPad to upload photos to the forums, Instagram or Wordpress. This might be one way of moving photos to the iPad. It would replace DropBox. You get a certain amount of space free and you could just use it to move recent photos without paying for storage.

Another way is to use AirDrop to transfer photos from iPhone to iPad (if that is what you have). You go into photos, select the photo and then you can AirDrop them between devices.

I don't know why it would say you need GooglePlus - oh, yes, now that I think of it, doesn't Google own Blogger now? But there must be another option. What photo options do you get if you upload on your iPad? On mine I have to click around quite a bit to find the Camera Roll folder - also called other things now like Memories or Recent.
I found a thread about the Blogger app for IOS being cancelled. As you said they recommend using it via browser. Here is one comment:

When using Chrome for editing Blogger you will need to click the more actions icon (3 vertical dots on the right handside) of the browser. This should be followed by clicking the request desktop site. Once this is done you should have full functionality to edit blogger.
Thanks, it certainly helps to understand AirDrop, since I hadn't grasped it before, so that helps. Also the three dots and the request desktop site, which gives an Upload option for images, so I can go to the pictures on the device. I got one group of pictures added, and see them on the published page, but in Edit mode the post stops where the pictures start, and I don't see a way to add more pictures later in the post. It's a problem I had when the Blogger app was functional as well, and I sometimes started a new post for pictures.
I am seeing photos now BUT on the Last Day in Rome post they are not displaying. I see a box where they should be.

Maybe it will be easiest to add all photos at the end of the post. At least you can add photos. Some software lets you switch between a WYSIWYG pace and the HTML code. If you have that option, switching to code view might help.

Blogger was one of the first blogging platforms. I used it for years. @artnbarb uses it. Google should have updated that app and kept the software working better!!

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