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Andalucía in January


10+ Posts
We are going to Andalucía in January for three weeks. We will have a car. Planning to spend four nights each in Seville, Cordoba and Granada. We are not interested in staying by the sea. The remainder of the time we would like to spend in the countryside in Pueblo Blancos, and driving to day trips. My question is are the small villages deserted in the winter.
Thank you for any info.
We visited some lesser know destinations at the very beginning of March. These were places people live and work, not summer beach resorts. Happy to help if you need more specific info. Weather may be an issue in January in inland areas once you leave the Seville - Cordoba plain area since anywhere in the hills is much colder than the coast or Seville , but that depends on luck. Expect it to be cold in Granada
Hi CMD, I live in Grazalema, one of the white village in the Sierra de Cádiz not far from Ronda.

To answer your main question, yes the small towns and villages in this area are much quieter in January and as Tina mentioned the weather can be a lot cooler up here in the hills. (We sometimes have snow here in Grazalema in January but this is not very often Picture attached :) ). Expect some rain though.

Heres my info page about the Pueblos Blancos on my site about Grazalema. In the left and right columns (on a desktop) there are links to my other sites about, Ronda, Cádiz and the natural parks and wildlife of Spain.



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Hi Clive very useful websites, especially liked the post about the wildflowers
I know it's a bit off topic but what do you think about the protests against tourism in Málaga today?
Andalucía is one of my favourite areas and I've always found people incredibly kind and patient with me and my basic Spanish. What's the feeling like where you live?
Was planning for my next trip returning to the area between Cadiz and Tarifa for two or three weeks next March....

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