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Anyone Used A Travel Footrest?

Hi Barb,
I thought about buying one of those slings, then ended up buying an inflatable footrest from Amazon.
It came with two in a pack.
I had imagined getting hopelessly tangled in a sling in an emergency...
I tried the foot rest out on my last flight on BA to London, and found that it barely fit under the seat in front of me.
I'm 5'7" tall, but have horrible knees and like to put my feet up.
There wasn't enough room to put my feet up on it!
I left it on board when I got off.
Also, it was made from fuzzy material that caught all the fluff and gunk.
It was this one.


I've still got one left, so might try it again, but I can't really say it was much good.
I have heard that a partially inflated beach ball can do a good job! Cheaper too, from the Dollar Store.
I, too, am short and long, no yearn for a great foot rest. I've tried the one SMJ showed in her post with similar results - not worth the money. It's really uncomfortable, I literally feel your pain, so if someone finds something that works well please share!

"Back in the day" my husband often traveled with a hard-sided briefcase which was almost perfect for me. But it was clunky, heavy and an extra piece of luggage. Once I packed a piece of hard styrofoam - light weight, but still bulky.
Thanks! Since it's less than $10, IF I order something from Amazon before we go to Louisville in May, I just might add this on and test it out on a shorter flight. If I wait until right before we leave for Scotland/Italy, I won't be able to return it if I don't like it! (I'm still tempted to throw in a deflated beach ball, just in case!)
My mom bought my husband and I those sling footrests for Christmas this past year. We tried them out on our overnight flight from DC to Europe. We both are 5'7" and it was nice to be able to elevate our feet as necessary. I liked having it but didn't use it the whole time. I won't bring it on a short flight but for overnights I will.
I tried one of these on a recent trip to Europe - I don't know the brand name, but it was a cheap one from Amazon. I found that my feet sort of rolled toward the middle of the sling and it wasn't terrifically comfortable. It was OK for for a while, but it wasn't the silver bullet I was looking for.
I've got one of the inflatable footrests, but I've been using (and prefer) a cheap inflatable beach ball.

I'm short, too. The standard square inflatable footrest doesn't raise my feet/legs as high as the beach ball (I don't inflate it all the way, I leave it slightly saggy). Especially on long haul flights, I find that keeping my feet/legs elevated higher is more comfortable (and I have no problem getting my feet back into my shoes when we land

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