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Books and Movies about Sicily?

An update - we have now finished watching "the Leopard" on DVD. As advertised, it really went for the epic treatment with the result that it seemed to drag a little after the first several hours (OK I'm exaggerating a little about the length of the movie, but we did give in to the urge to fast forward through a few parts). The scenes of both towns and countryside made the movie worthwhile on their own and Burt Lancaster fits in amazingly well as an Italian prince. For me, it would have been helpful to know a little more of the history of the period the film is about before watching the movie, but between the events depicted and the (sometimes rather prolonged) dialog, you can pick up the major threads.
For me, it would have been helpful to know a little more of the history of the period the film is about before watching the movie, but between the events depicted and the (sometimes rather prolonged) dialog, you can pick up the major threads.
Well if you read the Cadogan guide for Sicily that I left out for you, then you would have known.
... I really liked the Mary Taylor Simetti memoir. I appreciated the presentation of life on the island in seasonal terms. Francine Prose's memoir of Sicily was short but beautifully written. ...
I am 75% through De Blasi's "That Summer in Sicily" and I can't take any more! I should have given up after the sample. This is just a romance story with nothing really about Sicily IMO. Argh!

I bought the Prose book - thanks for the recommendation Colleen - and will start it now. I know I read the Simetti book years ago, but will read it again.

Steve copied some of the Montalbano DVDs to the computer and we will watch them there.

Leaving in one week.
I read the sample of De Blasi's book and the writing is too flowery for me, and I liked her first two books.......I am 75% through De Blasi's "That Summer in Sicily" and I can't take any more! I should have given up after the sample. This is just a romance story with nothing really about Sicily IMO. Argh!

Sorry! Yes, she can be so annoying. I did put in some disclaimers when I mentioned her book:
I almost hate recommending this next book because the author is so breathy, so full of herself, too romantic... and yet... I've liked some parts of some of her books (how's that for a disclaimer?) Reading That Summer in Sicily by Marlena de Blasi may enhance your Sicilian travels.
Well..... obviously not...

I would still put in a vote for The Leopard ~ the book! I've read it twice! But who knows, it may not resonate with you. I found it very atmospheric but then I'm a sucker for old classic books...
Pauline, I'm not certain how you feel about blogs as a resource for travel information, but I'm finding I love them for interesting local hints. I found this blog ~ The Dangerously Truthful Diary of a Sicilian Housewife ~ fascinating. Thought you might want to take a look, though I bet at this point, you're busy with last minute packing.

More importantly, from the above blogger, was a reference to another Sicilian blogger ~ Unwilling Expat ~ and her article of Giuseppe di Lampedusa’s The Leopard and its ties to the Sicilian character. I enjoyed the read....

Buon viaggio!
I know you're back, Pauline, so too late to help you. But I don't think anyone mentioned "Sicilian Carousel", which is Lawrence Durrell's little book about a group tour of Sicily that he joined in the mid 1070's.

Yes, THAT Lawrence Durrell and it's a delight to read.
Mid 1970's I think :) I will look for it. I have never managed to read any of his books, but I have the Avignon Quintet on my Kindle in my Read Next folder and I tried reading the Alexandria Quartet years ago but did not get far. I did enjoy his brother's book about Corfu (read it years ago) - Gerald Durrell's "My Family and Other Animals".

I finally finished (after the trip) De Blasi's "That Summer in Sicily" and it was okay. No real information about Sicily and too much of a romance story. Not a book you need to read to prepare for a trip.

We watched two of the Young Montalbano TV shows while in Scicli and realized that the town is used for more than just the police station and the restaurant. On our last night we were at the end of an episode when a scene was filmed of Montalbano in a phone box and it was filmed from outside the entrance to our apartment! The phone box is not there in "real life", but that was where they put it. I took this photo showing the same shot used in the show - standing in the doorway to our apartment building.


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