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Ciao a tutti, Sono Gina Marie

Gina Marie

10+ Posts
Hello everyone. I am Gina Marie Nardoianni, and I reside in Chesapeake, VA.
I am a former member to Slow Travel/Slow talk. Imagine my dismay upon returning to the site after a few years away that it had closed/shifted/moved. The wealth of information there is priceless. I see that I can still at this point in time access the files and I will peruse them as well, but I thought that it would be best for me to consider seeking out advice and recommendations here since it would be most recent and up to date.

I am booked for a month in Rome from second week of April through second week of May 2018. This will be my fourth visit, and I have a lot of family to visit in Ostia, Rome, and in the area around Monte Cassino (where my great grandfather was a cook at the Abbey).

I am traveling with a friend and we are staying in a house in the Monte Verde section of Rome.
What I am seeking out is advice for two day, one overnighter, with car rental for exploring the hill towns of Umbria and Tuscany. I have a list of towns that my friend and I have compiled b
I will begin a separate thread for my questions.
I am happy to have located you all; the pleasure is certainly all mine.

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