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North East Egglestone Hall Gardens, County Durham

The website describes these gardens as the “Secret Garden of the North”. Set in the heart of Teesdale between Barnard Castle and Middleton in Teesdale, these are a delightful surprise in an area where there are few tourist attractions. The gardens are in the huge walled garden attached to Egglestone Hall.

The gardens include a nursery selling a huge variety of potted plants all in good condition and reasonably priced. This is the place to come if you want to find something a bit different. There isn’t a plastic gnome, twee garden ornament or garden feature in sight. They just sell plants.


Admission to the nursery is free but there is an honesty box for the gardens and a leaflet with a not very helpful plan. This explains that twenty two numbered stones take you round the garden with herbaceous borders, winding paths, wishing pool, old churchyard, moorland stream, pottager garden and a small replica of the Angel of the North. Stone 1 was by the honesty box. We set off to explore.




The herbaceous gardens are delightful and a mass of colour with every sort of perennial you can imagine, and many we’d never seen before. We managed to find stones 2 to 5 but couldn’t find 6 or 7. We went backwards between 12 and 8 and never did find 13 to 22. We asked another couple, who gaily replied they couldn’t find any of the stones either and were just following their noses.


This is the thing to do. Just follow your nose and explore the gardens. The old churchyard is reached through a gate in an evergreen hedge with steps leading down to the churchyard with its ruined C17th chapel. This felt a rather a sad and not very photogenic area.

The walk continues by looping round the top of the nursery with mainly trees and conifers for sale, along the wall and down along a delightful small stream with big yellow primroses in the banks.


At the far end is the small statue of the Angel of the North, set on the wall round the garden. In front of it is a small herb garden and brightly coloured lupins.


The gardens aren’t very big and it would be easy to scamper round them in twenty minutes. This would be a shame as these are gardens to savour slowly and enjoy. The tea room outside the walled garden is now run separately to the gardens.


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