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It’s Lovie again. My husband and I enjoy travel experiences that are different than the norm, (i.e. cooking classes, enjoying a meal at a locals home, mixology class, etc.). Many of these experiences are not listed on the usual travel sites and are learned more by word of mouth. We will be based in Lucerne (but would be willing to travel by train). Are there other travelers who enjoy these types of experiences who can give me some recommendations? Thank you in advance.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Switzerland. You will find cheese making experiences where you go out to the alpine farm. There will be classes for local handicrafts. I recently saw a walking with llamas event in the area we stay in.

Have a look at the tourist site for your area.

Tourist offices in Switzerland are excellent. You can email and ask about activities available.
We've certainly enjoyed local festivals, and to a large degree, the smaller the better for a sense of engagement with others there.

Also, if you have hobby interests, linking up with people who love that hobby where you're visiting. e.g. mushroom hunting, walking, art classes etc.

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