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Gifford's Circus!


1000+ Posts
It looks like the highly recommended Gifford's Circus is in Barrington (near Cambridge) the entire time we're in the Cotswolds. I know it's worth a drive, but is it worth that particular drive, or will I have to miss the Circus?
Barb, Giffords Circus sets up in a big field next to the Fox Inn in Barrington in the Cotswolds (not near Cambridge). We went to the circus there twice with our groups last summer, plus we drove down to be sure we knew where to go the week before.... so I've made the drive three times from Chipping Campden. I've just double checked on Google maps and it's 30 minutes from Chipping Campden. You'll go past Stow, toward Great Rissington. The last part is on a narrow road through the countryside. If you're worried about the driving in the dark, go to one of the shows earlier in the evening. On the weekend there are shows mid-day.

It is absolutely worth it.... really wonderful and hard to describe. It's intimate, funny, highly entertaining. You will definitely laugh. It's a Cotswolds tradition. I've been the last two years (twice in 2014)... hate that I'll miss it in 2015, and will go again in 2016.

You can buy tickets online in advance. Last year it sold out in Barrington, so you'll definitely want to plan this in advance. And get there about 30 minutes... seats are first-come, first-served and there's a fun little pre-show.


If you drive on the main roads as if to Burford, you turn off for Great Barrington before Burford and are not on narrow roads. We spent 2 weeks in nearby Windrush once (I mentioned the Windrush church in the other thread).

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