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Happy Solstice 2018


Forums Admin
Today is the shortest day of the year! It feels like it here in the UK where noon on a sunny day feels like late afternoon. The sun is very low in the sky and it is dark by 4:30pm. But starting tomorrow things are getting better (weather-wise).


Noon in Bridport.
We've had some wet days. The footpaths are muddy and our walk around town had large puddles. But, there has been sun - weak, winter sun, but sun!
Rain and mild temps here in the frozen north. Or will we soon be Florida of the North with climate change. Oh wait a minute thats just a hoax. Right? It's normal to have plus temps at Christmas in Ottawa.
Pauline, that picture of Bridport at noon is lovely. I admit to longing for the British countryside.
I'm off to sunny San Miguel for Feb. I was in Havana for a week by myself in Nov. Such an interesting place
I know I should do a trip report.
Happy, safe and healthy times to all.

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