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Hello from Seattle, Washington!


New Member
I was a former member of the Slow Travel family and learned a treasure of information from fellow members (Judy Witts, David Lebovitz, etc.) when I was solo travelling in Italy in the early 2000s. I even contributed an article on the "Sagra della Rana" when I lived in the suburbs of Milan. I have since moved back to the U.S. (Seattle, Washington) and have visited Italy many times. My husband is a baker and we dream of visiting France (Strasbourg, Dordogne, Basque country, etc). A bigger dream is to retire either in Portugal or Italy (Umbria).

Just today, I was looking at J.L. Crellin's books on Amazon and happened to read a review from ... Pauline Kenny (and here I am)!

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Recommended Guides, Apps and Books

52 Things to See and Do in Basilicata by Valerie Fortney
Italian Food & Life Rules by Ann Reavis
Italian Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
French Food Decoder App by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls
She Left No Note, Lake Iseo Italy Mystery 1 by J L Crellina
Tuscan Traveler, Living in Italy by Ann Reavis
