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Hello from St. Louis, MO


10+ Posts
Greetings from the banks of the Mississippi River in the middle of the USA. Since Pauline introduced me to her concept in 2001, my husband, Dan, and I have become dedicated Slow Apostles. We choose a country every year; spend months planning our trip (that is half the fun); then spend a month in that country. Usually, we pick four distinct parts of the country and spend a week in a vacation rental in each area. Italy is our touchstone and we've visited 12 times now. We've also visited Spain, Portugal, & Scotland. In recent years, we've been focusing on Eastern Europe -- Estonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania so far.
I'm looking forward to chatting with the old friends who are showing up on SlowEurope and the new friends I'll meet.
Welcome, Deborah. Paul and I are looking forward to staying in "your" (and Shannon's) apartment in Venice this spring for 3 weeks, with a side trip to Ferrara. Hope you enjoyed Budapest as much as we did! Aloha, Ann
We're really looking forward to it, Deborah. We've spent a total of 8 weeks in Venice, 7 in Dorsoduro, so this will be a real change for us.
We're really looking forward to it, Deborah. We've spent a total of 8 weeks in Venice, 7 in Dorsoduro, so this will be a real change for us.
Aloha Ann! when will you be in Venice? I'll be there arriving Oct 10th and departing the 13th...only a few short days but I'll take it! We are renting an apartment in San Polo, near Campo Sant'Aponal. I'm looking forward to exploring this area.

Hi Mindy! We'll arrive in Venice on April 16 and depart May 11. So sorry we'll miss you -- but you'll love the San Polo area. Do try to make it to Antiche Carampane, our favorite restaurant in Venice.
Deborah, I just heard from Alessandra and she has a problem about a "sinking floor" in the apartment so she's going to have to move us to another apartment! If I don't get photos from her very soon, I'll have to start another search, and of course it's late to be doing that in Venice for April/May.
Hi Mindy! We'll arrive in Venice on April 16 and depart May 11. So sorry we'll miss you -- but you'll love the San Polo area. Do try to make it to Antiche Carampane, our favorite restaurant in Venice.
Deborah, I just heard from Alessandra and she has a problem about a "sinking floor" in the apartment so she's going to have to move us to another apartment! If I don't get photos from her very soon, I'll have to start another search, and of course it's late to be doing that in Venice for April/May.
Grazie Ann, I've just started a list for our Venice "eats" and Antiche Carampane is front and center!!
I wonder what she means by "sinking floor". The apartment is a 1st floor apartment. The ground floor is just the entry area and mailboxes. Meaning must be lost in translation.

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