Indeed looks like a lovely experience.
Just to add to Alpinista's answer :
According to the website (at least for 2022), the train makes a run on Saturdays and Sundays of some of the weekends between June and the 1st of November (dates listed on the site for 2022. For 2023 you'll have to wait, or subscribe to their newsletter).
On some of the Saturdays, the train will make a stop in Brisighella for about 90 minutes, so that you get a bit of time to wander around. On other Saturdays, the train will make a similar stop at Faenza. You can get off of course at any station.
On the Sunday runs, it looks like there is no long stop at any station, except for allowing passengers to get on or get off at any station they choose.
On all runs, the return ride from Ravenna is done about 5-6 hours after its arrival there. That's your way to get back, if you choose to return on the same train.
Buying a ticket supposedly also gets you free entrance or discounts in some of the sites/businesses in the towns.
Cari viaggiatori, Con grande dispiacere dobbiamo annunciarvi che purtroppo il Treno di Dante non riprenderà le sue corse. Vi ringraziamo per aver contribuito a rendere il Treno di Dante non solo un mezzo di trasporto, ma un simbolo di connessione, cultura e passione. La nostra...
Cari viaggiatori, Con grande dispiacere dobbiamo annunciarvi che purtroppo il Treno di Dante non riprenderà le sue corse. Vi ringraziamo per aver contribuito a rendere il Treno di Dante non solo un mezzo di trasporto, ma un simbolo di connessione, cultura e passione. La nostra...