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Hi All, looking forward to information-gathering...

Christine Emerson

New Member
Hi, I am a 64 year old who has been travelling for about 11 years, either with friends or alone, as my husband does not like to travel. I have done self-planned itineraries (for myself and friends, or alone), tour group travel, cruises... I like cruises as an exploratory trip, to see if an area is somewhere I would like to explore in the future, for longer than a day, and have saved myself much $$ and headache with this method. I am interested in folks' experiences with the overnight ferries to/from southern Italy/Greece, and the small towns located between Manfredonia (the spur of Italy) and Ontranto, so I will head to those specific forums for knowledge. I am not interested in driving in Europe, and do tend to make the best use of my time in an area...thanks!!
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Welcome Christine, if you need any specific information about the towns between Manfredonia and Otranto, try me. There are some of our favourite places there, and we just got back from another trip ...

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AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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