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Lascaux 4 opens this weekend


Forums Admin
Lascaux 4 opens this weekend! This replaces Lascaux II. We visited Lascaux II a few years ago. It is a reproduction of the original cave art, located in a nearby cave, created in the 1980s. The new one is closer to town and is in a purpose built building, instead of in a cave. It also replicates more of the original caves.

I updated Day Trip - Lascaux Cave with this new information. If anyone goes to the new one, let us know what it is like. We may try to get there next year.
Checking in to see if anyone has visited Lascaux 4. We already have tickets for Font de Gaume (our third visit), but with over 2 weeks in La Roque-Gageac we can easily add Lascaux 4. We visited Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in the Ardeche in October and really enjoyed it, even though it is a replica.
Hi Ann!!

Our friends Steve and Judie who live in the Dordogne visited on opening day in December. (He's an archaeologist and they lead tours in the area... I'm sure he's been to Lascaux II 100+ times.) They wrote about it here: http://slowtraveltours.com/blog/lascaux-4-is-open/ I'm expecting that some of the opening-day issues will be resolved before the major season begins.

When are you there? We'll be back in the area for several weeks beginning in mid June and will visit then. I wouldn't miss it...
Hi Kathy, and thanks for the reply. I read the Burman blog and hope some of the problems they encountered have been ironed out. I was curious because of some really bad reviews on TripAdvisor (which I always take with a grain of salt), and also reluctant since we're going to Font de Gaume anyway. Do you know if the Burmans have returned since December?
We arrive in La Roque-Gageac on April 30 and leave on May 17 for a week in Paris. Too bad we'll miss you!

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