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We will be in Lecce for two weeks late March/Early April, next year. As it it turns out, Easter will fall in the middle of our stay (not sure if that is good or bad). In any event, any advice on all things Salento wouold be appreciated.
I don't know what is going on there, but have you tried googling for Easter week Lecce or Puglia? I am sure they must have processions and such. I was in Barcelona for Palm sunday and it was beautiful. I bet it will be a once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy.
I don't know what is going on there, but have you tried googling for Easter week Lecce or Puglia? I am sure they must have processions and such. I was in Barcelona for Palm sunday and it was beautiful. I bet it will be a once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy.
Oops. I pushed the report instead of the reply button. Anyhow Pasqua is an interesting time in Italy. While it’s mostly a religious event, even then on-religious will greet with buon Pasqua. Look for the giant chocolate eggs sold in the supermercati, or in stalls on the street, often run by the local parish association.

A lot of things will be closed on Easter Sunday including museums and street markets. The Monday following Easter is also a holiday and a lot of stuff will be closed.

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