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London Christmas Suggestions Please


100+ Posts
So we had booked the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, North Carolina for Christmas this year. Well Hurricane Helene has made that trip moot.

So with two other couples we have booked London for Christmas. We will all be staying at The Langham Hotel.

We were just there in June, but now we need some ideas for what to see and do at Christmas time. I’m a huge Scrooge fan and have seen all the various Christmas Carol movies. Are there any themed special events, tours, plays to see?

I’m open to any suggestions for other activities/events.
Bear in mind that much of the UK simply shuts down for Christmas Day itself, but I'd imagine a hotel like the Langham will be keeping its guests fed and amused.

For seasonal things to do on other days, the first thing that comes to mind is a panto. Be ready for much silliness and audience participation.

Of course there will be carol services in all the churches - All Souls is just over the road from your hotel

You could spend some time looking at the street decorations around the West End, or go ice skating at Somerset House.

Or there's the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park (not my kind of thing but it seems to be popular)
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We were in London for Thanksgiving last year. It was already so Christmasy and very crowed. we stayed near Borough market at London Bridge hotel. There were already Christmas markets along the river. It was fun and very festive. Lots of mulled wine!
Of course there will be carol services in all the churches - All Souls is just over the road from your hotel
Thanks for your suggestion of carol services because it was not something we had thought about. St. Paul's Cathedral had a lottery for tickets for services. My wife entered and we were awarded two tickets to the December 23rd performance.

Then, that led her to St Martin's. So we booked a candlelight concert on the 30th. We also got the Mince Pie and Mulled Wine in the Crypt before the performance. Hey, when in London, do as the Londonites do! :D
Oh that sounds great fun.There is something special about coming out of a church service after dark - everywhere feels decidedly Dickensian!
Then, that led her to St Martin's. So we booked a candlelight concert on the 30th. We also got the Mince Pie and Mulled Wine in the Crypt before the performance. Hey, when in London, do as the Londonites do! :D
Well, some.. those of us who aren't down the pub would mostly be cocooned with the telly!
From what I've seen so far of the trailers for the Christmas entertainment on TV, I'll be cocooned with a good book...
Oh that sounds great fun.There is something special about coming out of a church service after dark - everywhere feels decidedly Dickensian!
From St Martin's, of course, the immediate sight is the big tree in Trafalgar Square (don't be surprised if it seems a bit austere, that's the Norwegian style - it's an annual gift from Norway in recognition of WW2). There will be plenty of gaudier lighting round about.
I’ve found Londonist.com to be very helpful with these questions; they even have a listing of what’s open on Christmas Day. Anticipate beauty (e.g., Covent Garden) and busy-ness. Maybe a tour of Dickens’ home? St. Paul’s and St. Martins will be magical, I imagine. Please have a wonderful and safe trip and report back to this site!
So we had a fabulous time in London for Christmas. Thanks for all the suggestions from the members here. We attended the ceremony at St.Paul's and the concert at St Martin in the Fields ( the pics show the interior before the events as no photography was allowed during the performances).

The crowds in London were unbelieveable. Walking down the sidewalk on most main streets (like Regent and Oxford) was an exercise in dodge'em! Sometimes taking a taxi was not much quicker than just walking as the traffic was so congested. We were there from the 23rd to the 31st and never saw the sun, but on the positive side, it never rained.

My wife made multiple purchases at Harrod's, Maje, Molton Brown, Jo Malone and Tiger. Thankfully the Pound kept decling against the dollar while we were there. She believes in supporting the host country's economy! :D



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