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London planning


10+ Posts
We did a spur-of-the-moment decision. We bought tickets to this year's Chelsea Flower Show - May 22nd. I am just starting the planning so nothing definite yet beyond the show and some time in London. Our last visit to London (and Chelsea show) was a weekend trip in 1996 so we want to experience everything as if it is our first trip. I know we will be visiting Kew and Wisley Gardens and museums.

We plan to spend a week in London around the 22nd and I don't want to fly in just before the show. So we will either flying earlier and visit outside of London for a week with an emphasis on gardens or sometime late the week before the 22nd and then spend another week after Chelsea visiting gardens. I don't have any definite gardens outside of London that we want to visit (just starting to look) but I would love to go back to Sissinghurst. We have done 2 previous trips for gardens (West to Cornwall along with Kent and North York/Wales). We haven't be east of London so that is another place I'm looking at (Great Dixter, etc).

At this time, I am looking for London rental recommendations and any other advice. I just realized the royal wedding is the week before and I don't know if that is going to impact rental availability, etc. Do you have a favorite rental in London for 2 people? Thanks in advance.
If a lot of tourists flock to London in the hope of seeing anything much of a wedding in Windsor Castle - they're going to be disappointed. But you can never rule out people's expectations.....
Google 6 Handel St., London. It's our favorite place to stay in London. I think it's on Home Away and VRBO. Well located and very pleasant place to stay. Owner is easy to work with..
That's exciting!

I love London and the Chelsea Physic Garden is a jewel. I've never been to the Flower Show (I'll be in Italy on those dates this year).

I assume you've seen Hidcote, Kiftsgate, Bourton House, and Batsford Arboretum near Chipping Campden?
Marta, this sounds like a great trip... good for you!

And if you haven't spent time in the Cotswolds... it's a paradise for garden lovers.

In London, we've rented this studio several times. The owner is American and lives upstairs. (Charley stayed each time about three weeks.) It has everything you need and is an an ideal location. https://www.vrbo.com/87362
I don't know how long your trip will be but it looks like the 2018 open gardens weekend in Chipping Campden is June 16 & 17. This is a fabulous experience, about 20 open gardens in the village. http://opengardens.co.uk/open_gardens.php?id=1120 I could recommend a few rentals in Chipping Campden.... and a great little inn.
Thanks everyone. We had a massive sit down and plan this weekend. We decided to spend 11 days from May 14th to May 25th. We will focus just on London since we really haven't spent much time in London since 1985 other than a short weekend in 1996. We are too early or in-between seasons to be able to see many other gardens so we will visit Museums, etc instead. We will also look at day trips out of London on public transportation or a tour if one looks good.

I forgot to set up alerts on this thread and missed your post, Kathy. That studio was available and might have been an option. We wanted to get this done and found a place in Maryleborne area. We liked the central location along with a bright apartment. We got our plane tickets today also flying direct from Seattle to London so we are happy.

Now to start site-seeing planning. :)
Also love the less crowded Regent's Park.


April 21, 2017​

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