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Off to Friuli- Venezia at the end of March

Take a side trip to Ljubljana -- small, but beautiful old town area with Lake Bled not far away. It is about an hour's drive from Trieste (need to stop at border to get a windshield sticker to drive in Slovenia). If interested in WW I history, see the monuments at Redipuglia, about half an hour from Trieste.
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia tourism board has an excellent website.
Get the FVG card - well worth it.

Will you have a car? You may be able to find a Frasca open.. small wineries or farms where the owners serve their products. Look for a branch hanging outside on the road. They have them in Slovenia too, there they are called Osmica. In the Vipava Valley (Slovenia) they have a calendar of them -

I’m sure Aquilea is on your list - note that the audio guide thing offered on the FVG card kind of sucked but that was 2022 so hopefully they worked out the bugs. Grado is a lovely town. The whole region is over the top, wine and food wise. And then you have so much on the Slovenian side too…
Udine, Gorizia, Trieste..for about three weeks

Will report..
Suggestions welcome
Ciao Michele,

My wife and I will be in FVG in May, first visit, adding FVG to our Region "Life List." Although we've retired from driving on our own in Italy we hope to visit a winery or 2 perhaps in the Collio Goriziano zone. We've learned about and plan to visit Cividale, San Daniele (prosciutto crudo), Spilimbergo (mosaics & school).

Our plans include hiring a guide who will meet us and then drive us to some locations, very useful for us.

Thanks to other posters for suggestions. I have some interest in Ljubljana but not sure it's practical to do a day trip from Trieste

Buon viaggio!

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