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Options: Venice airport to "magical Venice"/water taxi vs ATVO bus


500+ Posts
I'll be arriving with 2 friends to VCE on Oct. 10th. My friend Colleen (no, not THAT Colleen...or even THAT OTHER Colleen :p ) has never been to Venice or, for that matter, Italy. Personally, I'd love to spring for a water taxi to take us from the airport to vaporetto stop Silvestro or Rialto. (Our apartment is located at San Polo 1259). IF, we go the water taxi route, does anyone have a contact or is it easy to get one at the airport? Honestly, I don't want to haggle over a price after flying all night long. Having it pre-arranged would be great.
OR....do we go the less expensive route: ATVO "Venezia Express" bus to Piazzale Roma, pre-order for the 3 of us is total €16,50. From Pz Roma we would have to get the vaporetto to above mentioned stop...with luggage. (we are young at heart, but have our aches and pains, LOL).

Also, I think we will buy the 48 hour vap. pass (we are only in Venice for 3 nights). I researched and it looks like I can pre-order and pick the passes up at the Hellovenezia ticket point at airport.

Sooooo, long story, but if "springing" for a water taxi would be an option, can you recommend anyone/company to pre-arrange? (my apartment contact in Venice gave me a name and I'm sure she can arrange for me but reaching out for SlowEurope advice) :)

Or, is taking the ATVO express bus easy to do; followed by hopping on vaporetto to our apartment stop?


Mindy :rolleyes:
Ciao Mindy! If you elect the water taxi option, there is a Motoscafi Consorzio desk in the arrivals hall and you can book it there. The price is per taxi, not per person. By booking and pre-paying there, you will not have to worry that no taxi will be at the dock and there is no haggling on the price. You can also pre-book and pay for your departure at that time for a small discount.

The Alilaguna is slow, but comfortable and is about €15 per person. It is more ecologically friendly to the lagoon.

For both the water taxi and the Alilaguna, you must get the the docks, which are about a 7 minute stroll. Exit the arrivals hall, make and immediate left and follow the signs. There are luggage carts available, which take a €1 coin to release. You can return the cart at the dock and get your coin back.

The ATVO bus is great. You just walk right out the arrivals hall and there it is. The ATVO is more "coach" like and the luggage is stored underneath, so you don't have to wrestle with it. It will take you directly to Piazzale Roma. You can also take an ACTV bus, but those are city buses and you have to bring your luggage on board with you. Then you can take a vaporetto to your stop. You can also take a land taxi to P Roma, then a vap.

No need to pre-purchase a vap pass unless you want to. There used to be a discount for pre-purchase, but no more. You can buy them on-line or at the VeneziaUnica/HelloVenezia in the arrivals hall.

If you are staying at the apartment by S Aponal, the closest vap stop is S Silvestro.
We used the ATVO bus and then a vaporetto from the Piazzale Roma. Highly recommend this approach. You can pick up your vap pass and be on your way. Very efficient and not as hard on the lagoon. I must confess to using a taxi at 4:45 am for departure......
We went the water taxi route (bought ticket inside, walked to the dock, and were off). The taxi was a beautiful, gleaming wooden boat with plenty of room for luggage and us. After the long flights from Toronto we were happy to not have to schlep luggage! We took a wonderful, meandering route from the airport to the dock near our hotel. We saw the lagoon from a very different perspective. All in all it was a great way to arrive in Venice.
See, now I read Jerry's fabulous reply and now I want to take a water taxi!!! :)

Decisions decisions!!!!

I remember my first view of Venice from a water taxi and I'll NEVER forget that experience. I think my dear friend Colleen would be "gobsmacked" to have a similar experience…that's what I struggle with. But, I'm sure she will have many gobsmacking moments in Venice no matter how she arrives!
Its almost 10 years since i was there and still remember the first view of venice from water taxi so i would go that route again if flying in. My return this year i'll be arriving by train from verona.
You know, Mindy, it is always nice to have options, the kind where you can choose between common sense and gob-smacking splurge. Give your friend the options and talk amongst yourselves. We have never flown into Venice, but I think if we were to have a trip that had us arriving by plane and given that we do not get to Venice every year (David wishes), I might just once splurge on the water taxi, and be that woman who glides up the canal in her private boat. And then we would eat pizza for dinner :-), you know what I mean. No bad choices here. You're in Venice!
This summer we'll drop off our luggage at our (airport-area) hotel, return our rental car at the Venice airport - then we'll head straight to Venice, so thanks for detailing all our options! As it will be our last day in Italy, and only day in Venice, the water taxi sounds perfect! Thank Mindy for asking this question - and have a great time this fall!
Yes, you can take the Alilaguna and feel good about your choice.

For those who do opt for a water taxi (and I admit I have when faced with 6AM flights or 9PM arrivals from the West coast), if the driver speeds, ask him to SLOW DOWN to mitigate the damaging wakes.
Well, guilty here. I took a speeding water taxi, in the pre-dawn darkness, to get to a 6am flight out of Venice several years ago ... I have to admit that it was a terrific thrill. SORRY! Maybe consciousness about saving the lagoon was not as high as it is now.
Hi Mindy,

On my 3rd visit to Venice I went there solo and struggled with what to do to get from the airport to my apartment. I considering all options. In the end I took the ATVO to P. Roma then took the Vaporetto to my stop. It was the most economical way since I was solo. It was so easy. The pick up spot for the ATVO is just outside the terminal and they seem to come every 30 minutes. I have to say from the Vaporetto, the views of Venice was still pretty wonderful. However, it was crowded and I had to stand which wasn't that bad since I had my luggage anyway.

I can understand your thoughts on wanting your friend to have that first time special experience of seeing Venice and the Grand Canal. I'm in the very early stages of planning a family trip and I think it would be so cool to have my sis see Venice in the most memorable and special way. For this reason I think I would take a private Taxi versus a possible crowded Vaporetto. If it was only me I would do the ATVO/Vaporetto again.

I wanted to also say that I pre-ordered a 7-Day pass on line before my trip. When I got to the airport to pick it up, they couldn't find my name. I walked back and forth from the window to the help desk as they tried to find my name. Finally after 15-20 minutes they found my name and gave me my pre-ordered pass. Now that I've learned from Susie that there is no discount for pre-ordered and really no benefit to pre-ordering them, next time I would just purchase my pass once I get there. My situation may be a fluke and you would probably not have a similar experience as I had, but I wanted to share what happened in my experience pre-ordering my pass with you as more food for thought.

Have a wonderful trip.
Hi Kathy!

Thanks so much for your input, I truly do appreciate it!

From what I've read, getting the vap pass at the Hellovenezia office at the airport is easy. I'd hate to have a stressful experience running about trying to get the pre-paid pass! Just get me to my apartment and open that first bottle of prosecco!!:)

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