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Paris, Loire Valley and ?


New Member
We are returning to France for the 4th time and will arrive and depart from Paris. The Loire Valley is the only other certainty on this trip as it is new to us and we will spend 4-5 days there. We will not be renting a car and will use private drivers and public transportation. Any suggestions on other towns/cities in this general part of France that would be good for a 3-4 day stay would be much appreciated. About us: age 67 and 70, healthy and mobile, and we enjoy walking, culture and history and food and wine. We have previously spent time in Honfleur, Bayeaux and Dijon and enjoyed the vibe in those places very much. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
We visited the Loire Valley many years ago, on our first visit to France. We took the train from Paris to Tours, which is a nice-sized town. We did rent a car in Touors and stayed at a B&B about 15 miles away, but had dinner in Tours and stayed in the vicinity touring and walking. Lots of castles to see!

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