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Photo Hunt 2017 No. 34 - Your Favorite Travel Gear


1000+ Posts
This week’s Photo Hunt No. 34 (Week of October 22-28) – Your Favorite Travel Gear

Do you have a tool, pack, item of clothing, or any other object that serves you well on your travels? Show us some photos.

A Photo Hunt 2017 category is available on the Media Gallery.

Future Themes: If you have ideas for a future theme, feel free to share them HERE

Photo Hunt No. 35 (Week of October 29 - November 4) : Beverages
Photo Hunt No. 36 (Week of November 5 - 11) : pending....
Well, someone's got to post the first one...

Here are two of my favorites :

1) my Ricoh GR - a serious compact camera with a large (APS-C) sensor. It is unobtrusive and pocket-able, so it makes for a great travel camera. A fixed focal length (28 mm. equivalent), so you can forget about zooming in on eagles. Image quality is outstanding. Very user-friendly, also price-wise. Accompanies me on all travel.
(As an aside, the FAA is considering banning cameras in checked luggage :
https://www.dpreview.com/news/79188...meras-and-other-electronics-from-checked-bags )

2) a one-liter thermos that I have had for at least twenty years, can't even remember when I bought it. The decal says "Hot Stuff", and it was made in Korea - but I have not seen them anywhere for ages, so I guess they just went out of production. Not only is the vacuum insulation here amazing (keeps ice-cold or piping hot for at least a day), the O-ring in the lid still works like new and never leaks. The inside has also stayed completely clean - no corrosion, and no smell (with proper care).


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