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Photo Hunt 2017 No. 35 - Your Happy Place

Kathy (Trekcapri)

100+ Posts
This week’s Photo Hunt No. 35 (Week of November 5, 2017) – Your Happy Place

A Photo Hunt 2017 category is available on the Media Gallery.

I enjoyed everyone’s beverages. I’m very enticed to try Colo’s posted recipe for Bushwacker! It looks like a drink that I would like.

Future Themes: If you have ideas for a future theme, feel free to share them HERE
Photo Hunt No. 36 (Week of November 12, 2017) – Lines and/or Patterns
Photo Hunt No. 37 (Week of November 19, 2017) – Food
Photo Hunt No. 38 (Week of November 26, 2017) - Silhouette

I had to think about this theme for a bit. I nearly posted a photo of Venice because I just love being there so much but in the end I realized that this photo (taken leaving the town of Leon), which I came across recently was more accurate for me. While walking the Camino, I would start each day in darkness which was difficult and scary at times. But it allowed me to witness some really amazing sunrises. So this photo represents to me the wonderful start of a brand new day and the feeling I get at the start of a brand new adventure (both while traveling and/or while at home) and that always makes me happy.

The desert in my "backyard" is always there to enjoy, so I'll post a photo from north-west Italy. We have traveled abroad three times in the past nine years, and this broad region of Italy has been the destination each time. I suppose that if we'd travel more often there's a chance that our enthusiasm for the place might lessen - but that's a hypothesis that I'd have to check scientifically before confirming it for sure....;)
One area there that we love is the section of Piemonte known as the Alta Langa, and specifically the hilly countryside between Aqui Terme and Dogliani. The combination of small parcels of variegated farming land and the natural forests, along with the people we know there, have made this a place we're always happy to return to.


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