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Photo of the Day - October 2017

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The first week of October brings my wife and my birthday, as well as our anniversary. This year will be 39, and I wish I was talking about birthdays. Oh well time marches on. For a getaway week will be in Maine and New Brunswick, Canada. Day one we arrived in Boothbay Harbor, and visiting friends, before we head north.


Happy belated birthdays & anniversary, Colo!

I am always behind but wanted to post this photo. We had our first big snow of the season on Oct. 1st & 2nd. The top of the ski mountain got 20 inches total over the two days and we got probably between 2-5 inches depending where you measured the snow. I took this on Oct. 4th in my yard. I didn't build him. He was already melting the following day and is gone now.

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A lovely sunny, and not very windy day today so, after cycling along to Wapping & St Katharine Docks, I stopped off on my way back at my favourite, semi-local pub, The Grapes, Limehouse. A quick pint on their tiny river terrace: here's the view back to the Isle of Dogs, with an Anthony Gormley sculpture in the foreground which, like the pub, is owned by Sir Ian McKellen. And who should I bump into, on the way out, but my near-neighbour PatrickLondon!
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