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Problems with email should be resolved soon


Forums Admin
I think we’ve had a problem with the forums sending some notification emails for awhile now. The big email providers like Gmail have changed how they receive email and I had not updated our email server for this different method.

Thanks to new member @Marie W for letting me know she had not received the verification email.

Some email is still working - I received a notification email while writing this - and all will be working in the next day or two. I’ll see if there are others who have tried to register and did not receive their verification email and will contact them.

(We used PHP mail but some mail wasn’t going through so I’ve changed to SMPT which should work better but was a bit tricky to set up and needs to propagate through the system over the next day or two.)
I think we’ve had a problem with the forums sending some notification emails for awhile now. The big email providers like Gmail have changed how they receive email and I had not updated our email server for this different method.

Thanks to new member @Marie W for letting me know she had not received the verification email.

Some email is still working - I received a notification email while writing this - and all will be working in the next day or two. I’ll see if there are others who have tried to register and did not receive their verification email and will contact them.

(We used PHP mail but some mail wasn’t going through so I’ve changed to SMPT which should work better but was a bit tricky to set up and needs to propagate through the system over the next day or two.)
Youre welcome! I'm glad you're making progress.

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