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Quiz 1

Ian Sutton

1000+ Posts
How many clues before you can name the city

This is a historic French city.
Click on each clue in turn, until you think you know the answer, at which point click on the final grey box to find out if you are right.

Population: 182,600 in the 2013 census

It contains 3 Unesco world heritage sites

untitled 1.png

Associated with a world famous wine

Legend has it that this city was founded by the brother of Romulus

Clue 2 refers to Notre-Dame Cathedral, Palace of Tau, Saint-Remi Basilica
Clue 3 is a stained glass window in the cathedral
Clue 4 refers to Champagne
Clue 5 The brother of Romulus is Remus (I couldn’t make it too easy!)

Feel free to let us know how you got on, and any comments / ways to improve gratefully received. We're going to trial this to run weekly as an 'end of the weekend' quiz.
I've got a slightly different 2nd one lined up for Sunday. Once I've got 2-3 'spoiler templates' for differently styled quiz questions done, I'd be very keen to throw the challenge out to others to set the weekly question(s). I'm sure I would run out of ideas quickly!

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