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Returning to Italy 21 March for 2+ Months


10+ Posts
Hi all, I am a grateful retired senior who at 72 can hardly wait to return to Italy to experience my favorite things (especially Donatello, Bernini, frescos and architecture) and try new places as well. I start with 2 weeks in Florence (21 March thru Easter), then 2 weeks in Rome, 10 days in Naples, perhaps an island or two, then up to Padua as a hub for a few weeks. The only part I have planned are apartment rentals in good locations in Florence and Rome. After that is open.

I love to wander and it's a real luxury to have this much time (2 1/2 months) . I rarely meet anyone my age on the road anymore, especially not women. So I would love to hook up for lunch or a day trip if our paths cross. Lastly, I live in Cuenca, Ecuador (used to live and work in San Francisco) and I wander South America and love it. So now I'm brushing up on Italian and it's really running havoc with my Spanish! lol As we did at Slow Travel, I look forward to learning from your experiences and share mine.
Aren't we a fortunate lot that we get to wander this beautiful planet!

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