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Roman Tombstone found in Cirencester


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When the Romans ruled Britain, Cirencester was the second largest city. Remains of the Roman town have been found over the years.
Recently another remnant of Roman life was found under the former Bridges Garage on Tetbury Road - a tombstone from the 1st or 2nd century. This is the 10th Roman tombstone found in Cirencester and is in very good shape with clear writing on it. What makes it unique is that it was found with the grave, and the human remains, that it was made for. Eventually it will be in the Corinium Museum for us all to see.

Here are some articles about the find.

BBC News - 'Unique' Roman tombstone found in Cirencester, 25 February 2015
A "unique" Roman headstone is the first of its kind unearthed in the UK, experts believe.

BBC News - Cirencester Roman tombstone may be to husband and wife, 26 February 2015
A Roman tombstone, which is the first of its kind unearthed in the UK, may have belonged to a husband and wife.

Cotswold Archaeology - Exciting news: “Incredibly rare” Roman tombstone found in Cirencester
From the article: CA’s Chief Executive Neil Holbrook said it was amazing the tombstone had survived “When they built the garage in the 1960s they scraped across the top of the stone to put a beam in. If they’d gone a couple of inches lower they’d have smashed it to smithereens.”

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