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San Quirico D'Orcia


100+ Posts
We'll be in San Quirico D'Orcia for 2 weeks in late April and early May. We already have scoped out walking routes to Bagno Vignoni and Pienza. Any thoughts on hidden gems, lesser known things to do/see, "undiscovered" places to eat, etc in the Val D'Orcia would be appreciated.
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We'll be in San Quirico D'Orcia for 2 weeks in late April and early May. We already have scoped out walking routes to Bagno Vignoni and Pienza. Any thoughts on hidden gems, lesser known things to do/see, "undiscovered" places to eat, etc in the Val D'Orcia would be appreciated.
In 2019, we spent two weeks in Montepulciano and drove to Val D’Orcia several times. Our favorite restaurant during the whole trip was Ristorante Daria in Monticchiello. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaur...ria-Monticchiello_Pienza_Tuscany.html#REVIEWS.
San Quirico is a beautiful town. We’ve stayed there and visited on other trips. There is a housewares shop on the main piazza where I bought a wool throw over 20 years ago and I still use it all the time. @Jim Zurer stayed there recently and said the shop is still there. You might want to check that out!

I definitely want to hear about the walking trails!
La Foce, a stunning garden in the Val d'Orcia, is well worth a visit. Its origins are described by Iris Origin in her book "The War in Val d'Orcia".
It’s a wonderful book & a superb garden. The Origos commissioned Cecil Pinsent to restore the house and gardens when they moved in.
It’s many years since I last visited so changes are inevitable but I suspect the views out from the gardens will be just as stunning !
Kind SlowTravellers sent me a voucher after I became ill, 21 years ago. I chose a book about La Foce which I still have and treasure,
I think you’ll get a great deal out of reading “ War in the Val D ‘Orcia “ ahead of your visit if you haven’t done so already.

Cafe Poliziano was our favourite spot to dine but I expect you know it already;
Views out from its balcony are top class & the food was always marvellous but too long ago now for me to truly be able to recommend.
A great spot nonetheless for coffee.
Montepulciano was my late husband’s favourite town in Tuscany. I loved it there too.
Sounds like you’ll have a marvellous trip.
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