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Information Sciacchetrail 2025 - Cinque Terre - Italy

Sciacchetrail 2025: March 28-29-30
Departure: Monterosso - Cinque Terre - Italy
Arrival: Monterosso
Difficulty: EE - For expert hikers
Length: 47 km
The term "Sciacchetrail" is a unique fusion of two significant elements: "Sciacchetrà," a renowned passito wine produced in the picturesque region of Cinque Terre, and "Trail," which signifies the nature run that takes participants through the stunning landscapes of this area.
This combination encapsulates not only the physical challenge of the race but also the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty that define the region.At its core, Sciacchetrail represents a profound journey aimed at reclaiming and celebrating the essence of Cinque Terre. It invites participants to immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, where steep cliffs meet the azure sea, and terraced vineyards cling to the hillsides. The event is more than just a race; it is an opportunity for exploration, reflection, and unity among those who share a passion for nature and the outdoors.
The concept of Sciacchetrail emphasizes the importance of effort and perseverance, transforming the act of running into a moment of personal discovery and connection with the environment.

sciacchetrail 2025.jpg
That looks like a great event! I’ve been to the Cinque Terre area a few times staying in Levanto. The famous Cinque Terre lower hike can be very crowded now but the higher hikes are very good. Also the hike from Levanto to Monterosso. Or from Levanto going north.

I used to do the website for Villa Margherita in Levanto. Do you know Federico?
That looks like a great event! I’ve been to the Cinque Terre area a few times staying in Levanto. The famous Cinque Terre lower hike can be very crowded now but the higher hikes are very good. Also the hike from Levanto to Monterosso. Or from Levanto going north.

I used to do the website for Villa Margherita in Levanto. Do you know Federico?
Well then :) No, I dont't know Federico of Villa Margehrita.
We live in Prevo, an hamlet of Vernazza (see in my profile)

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