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Channel Islands The German Defences at Pleinmont Point, Guernsey


During the Second World War, the Channel Islands were occupied by German Forces and were one of the most heavily fortified parts of Europe. As part of the Atlantic wall, a series of defensive concrete bunkers, gun placements and observation towers were built around the coast. One of the best places to see these is at Pleinmont Point at the south east tip of Guernsey, where much of the Batterie Dollman Command Post still survives.

One of the observation towers still survives at the headland. These were built at the highest points and were fitted with range finding equipment and radar above.


The information on range and direction was sent to the command post. As well as the operationbs room, this also had accommodation for the crews manning it.



Information was sent to the gunners manning the four guns. One of the four gun pits can still be seen complete with gun. These had a range of 22km.


The headland was also defended with smaller guns, mortars and machine guns.The remains of personnel shelters, ammunition bunkers and concrete lined trenches can still be seen.


The Observation Tower is open Wednesdays and Sundays 2-4.30pm


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