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Turin recommendations


100+ Posts
We will be making a short non-vacation trip to Turin later this month and will have some spare time each day to enjoy the city. We are staying off the Giardino Sambuy in the center near the train station. I see Ian has some excellent foodie recommendations. Any other "top 10" things to see/do - considering someone with limited mobility in the close vicinity to Giardino Sambuy?

In terms of logistics, it's an ideal location, as you'll have direct trams, buses and also Metro to other parts of the city (though the Metro, as ever with this transport form, has more walking than ideal).

Here's the central transport map https://www.gtt.to.it/cms/risorse/urbana/mappa/zona_centro.pdf

and the bigger city map
https://www.gtt.to.it/cms/risorse/urbana/mappa/mapparete.pdf (expand to 100% to be able to read it).

Wrapping your head round this amazing 'puzzle' of a transport system can be both mentally taxing, engaging and also rewarding as it's very extensive. Finding yourself in a location and plotting how best to get home, or somewhere else. OK modern apps will answer the query directly, but I always find myself drawn to this complex visual puzzle, including when looking at the big maps in the bus/tram stops.

We tend to buy a 'giornaliero' (daily) ticket, but only on days where we are likely to need to get around by bus/tram

e.g. route 4 or 11 gets you up to the large daily market at Piazza della Republica (but note the return journey follows the one-way system and would drop you off on Via Arsenale.

7 looks quite useful as well, as it gets you close to the Mole Antonelliana (star 1 also handy) and up to the gardens behind Piazza Castello (and indeed Piazza Castello)

Route 64 gets you to (IMO) the best chocolate shop in a city that specialises in chocolates, Odilla at via Fratelli Carle #38. It's in the La Crocetta district that has a smaller daily market, and pleasant shopping away from the centre.

Piazza San Carlo is relatively close and it's a very classy open square housing some famous / classy cafes

61 gets you over the River Po to the Gran Madre church (one of the classic Italian job scenes, where the wedding was), and check if the Sunday market is still running as that was pleasant. Also worth seeing what events are on at the weekend in Piazza Carlo Alberto (indeed some of the weekend specialist markets in the city are especially good/interesting)

If out an about around ~ 6:30-8pm, aperitivo hour is a Torinese speciality, where for the cost of a drink you'll get anything from a plate of decent nibbles, to something rather substantial / access to a buffet of light food. I don't know where is good, but a look in the window can give a good idea.

For something quirky, try Pepino on via Lagrange for the original inventors of the choc-ice. This whole pedestrianised street makes for easy walking, and despite the loss of a brilliant cheese shop, still has some good / interesting shops

Kelemata do a lovely arome e spezie range, and especially the unisex deodorants in this range. The city shop is on Via Roma, not far from where you're staying.

Even if not using the station, Staz. Porta Nuova now looks lovely after it's major renovations, so spare a moment to look at the front, and also inside.

Worth seeing what TurismoTorino website has for things like boat trips / tramcar dining, as these are good ways to visit without having to walk too far. Handily there's a little tourist office kiosk at the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II end of the gardens.
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If you don't stop at Caffe Al Bicerin and have a cup of their famous Bicerin , I'll never speak to you again! ;)
Or simply a coffee or herbal tea. It's so wonderfully understated and cosy, which makes it such a counterpoint to the equally historic cafes in Piazza San Carlo.

p.s. talking of herbal, there is a really good erboristeria a few doors back towards the market from Piazza della Consolata. They'll make a blend up to your needs, and in a calm and leisurely way. Relax and enjoy.
The Bicerin sound interesting...we're always up for something with chocolate! :happy:
A local tradition is always a BIG draw for us.
Funny how chocolate has turned into a "local" tradition in Piemonte....;)

IAC, another apparently great chocolate place that I've bookmarked, and is only a 15 minute walk from the train station, is Chocolate7 :
Another very good one that I have been to personally is La Perla di Torino (albeit not close to Porta Nuova) :
La Perla has the advantage that if you like it, I have seen it in shops in the UK, so it's possible to get that fix at home here (and perhaps where you live).

Another that's good (though not special IMO) is the chocolate from Piazza dei Mestieri. They get a mention because it's more than simply the product, as they're a social enterprise that takes in kids who are on the edge of society and develops skills in cooking / running a restaurant, brewing, chocolate making and there's also a bakery. https://piazzadeimestieri.it/ It's a venture that feels special, as it's trying to equip people for adult life, who might otherwise face too daunting a struggle.

The onsite restaurant can be hit or miss, but shone so brightly on our first two visits, that we've returned even after 2-3 more humdrum experiences since. The setting is odd but good, on a rooftop terrace, but accessed through what is effectively (and looks like) a school/college building (to the right of the pub as you enter their courtyard).
We went to the cinema museum and it was more fun than I expected. I passed on the glass elevator ride as that altitude does not agree with me. Near there, on one of the ped streets, we had some very disappointing food. I'd suggest going a few blocks farther before giving in to your stomach.

The Egyptian museum is considered perhaps the second best in the world, and we really enjoyed it. 'Extensive' hardly describes it adequately, and it is really well presented.

Agree also on looking for bars and aperitivi.
I loved the elevator, but I can see it might not be for everyone.

We arrived at the Egyptian museum within an hour of closing and they wouldn't let us in. I told them I was fine paying the admission knowing we couldn't see it all, but they still wouldn't allow us in. Unfortunately that was the only opportunity we had to see it.
We did make it to Al Bicerin after visiting the baroque Santuario della Consolata. The bar itself is charming and the drink was different. However, I would still prefer a cioccolata calda con panna (especially with a bit of Strega ;)).

The city center was easy to walk with the level areas, wide sidewalks and pedestrian only areas. The museums would be too much walking to get around inside. We did take the elevator at La Mole, excellent views from the top.
We did make it to Al Bicerin after visiting the baroque Santuario della Consolata. The bar itself is charming and the drink was different. However, I would still prefer a cioccolata calda con panna (especially with a bit of Strega ;)).

The city center was easy to walk with the level areas, wide sidewalks and pedestrian only areas. The museums would be too much walking to get around inside. We did take the elevator at La Mole, excellent views from the top.
I'm telling you, you can't please everyone! :D

So glad you enjoyed your trip. It made me envious. I want that bicerin!

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