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Venice - Restaurant for Large Group Dinner


New Member
Can anyone recommend a restaurant that would be suitable for a large group of about 40 people, preferably for a meal at 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.? I am trying to coordinate a dinner for several families the night before our cruise departs Venice. We did this successfully with a restaurant in Barcelona where they were very helpful in putting together a fixed-price menu of limited choices for our group of 42 adults and kids.
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
40 people is a lot of people for Venice and and some places would not be open at that time. One place you can check out (it is big and they are open all day) is Birreria La Corte in San Polo. Taverna San Trovaso could fit that number of people if they will open early for you.

Another place that might be able to take a group that size is Muro near the Frari. They also stay open straight through the day I believe.

Good luck and keep us posted!
My first thought was Taverna San Trovaso as well. I remember seeing large groups of students going upstairs, (where we have never been). I assume they have a large dining area up there. However, I have no idea just how many it can hold. It's always a regular during our stays in Venice.
Thank you so much for the recommendations!! We will contact each of these restaurants. Shannon and Sharon, you are both wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to respond.
These are good suggestions. Another place that can handle large groups is Ae Oche on the Zattere in Dorsoduro. It is huge inside and also offers canal side seating in nice weather. Very casual, pizzas, pasta, salads mainly.

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