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Weather Check In


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It is Sunny and Hot today in Virginia - The temperature planned to reach 97F (but with a Feels Like Temp 106F)
Busy as bee to get work done early this morning.

Excellent sunflower, our smaller ones are out, but the larger ones haven't yet released their flower.

The weather here has been horribly uncomfortable ~ 40C/104F, made worse because we're not used to is, nor are the houses designed to keep the heat out. It's eased off now though and we even had a little rain.

A hint from my grandmother who grew up in the south long before air conditioning and passed this along to me.

Around Sunset go out and rinse down the south and west wall of your house. It will cool off the inside of the house noticeably. We live in an old farm house that did not get AC until 2000. Many a night I sprayed the house down and you could see the steam rolling off the walls.

She had all sorts of simple approaches to make things better.
Excellent- I've not heard that one, but it makes huge sense given the heat storing capabilities of brick.
Second heatwave this summer in the UK. Even in the cooler West Dorset coast it is in the high 80s. My lawn is brown, the fields are brown, this is too much!

If I remember correctly Pauline, at one time did you live in Arizona or am I totally off the mark.
Arizona has come to the UK this year.

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