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The first pic was last week and the second is from Fall 2017. We've never walked up to the Capella della Madonna, just admired it from the road. Not sure...but looks like the area next to it is growing? My angle is slightly different... either way, I think some things should remain "unimproved"!


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Many things should remain unimproved, as far too many clueless 'improvements' have been implemented, that decades later we try to reverse, from single use plastics, to agricultural adulteration etc.

Not to say there isn't room for progress, but we should always take a critical eye to why something changes and what the effect might be.
The first pic was last week and the second is from Fall 2017. We've never walked up to the Capella della Madonna, just admired it from the road. Not sure...but looks like the area next to it is growing? My angle is slightly different... either way, I think some things should remain "unimproved"!
The photos are not of a high enough resolution to make out the details. So at least to my eyes, it's hard to say what's going on there. Might not necessarily be all "bad". Sometimes we tourists don't always have the whole picture, so one has to be cautious when forming an opinion.

The "good" : all the trees are still alive and in place, including some down the road to the left. One in front of the farmhouse seems to be bare of leaves, but that might be a seasonal thing. The area of the chapel itself is untouched. The woodland in the foreground is still there.
The "unknown" : there is certainly development going on of some sort. What look like sheds have been constructed behind the building, and to the upper right. Shade might be needed, not necessarily "bad", and sometimes just a plain necessity. Something is happening in front of the building, but this could be a temporary stage in a construction process. An expansion of some sorts also is a sign that at least people have reasons to live there and have a viable business - let's hope that they are managing to continue to live off the land in a reasonable way. Some places in Italy that look like paradise are being abandoned.

Maybe next time you're in the area, you could drive up the road for a closer look, might be interesting...
True, all changes aren't bad. I have good attention to details and when I viewed this years pic on my camera it just seemed a little different, so I was interested in comparing the 2017 pic. The pics are Spring and Fall and the crowds were noticeably heavier this spring. Not sure if I'd be interested in seeing it up close with dozens of people, we prefer a quiet spot near a field, the valley is magical. Here are a couple cropped pics....


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Reading up on the Capella, it seems that it is a World Heritage Site. The building beside it operates a restaurant for those that would like a Tuscan meal with this stunning sight and panorama for a background. Some reviews state that the meal was worth every penny, some describe it as mediocre. Apparently the dirt road that leads to this complex is closed to cars, so one has to walk about 800 meters to reach it. One review states that the owner of the restaurant contributed to the restoration of the Capella. IAC, I suppose that one has to dig in a bit more to understand the dynamics between the business and the place of faith, preferably to inquire at local sources. There is no doubt in any of the visitors' minds that this is one of the most beautiful (and photographed) sights in the region.
And here's a link to the restaurant's website. Of course they do events there as well...with such a location, I guess this is inevitable.

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