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2 Weeks In Yorkshire

I could enjoy a month or more in Yorkshire, actually! It's always a tradeoff about basing for shorter times in more places or longer times in just a few places, especially when you don't know a lot about an area. You also have to decide how long of a day trip you're willing to make. Many interesting places don't even make it into guidebooks, and you'll just discover them once you're there.

We visited Thirsk when we stayed near Harrogate. We had a fun time at the James Herriot museum. Our daughter really loved his books and the tv series. Later in our week, we did a James Herriot driving tour around the area.

Looks like you're scouting out some good possibilities, Barb.
Much as I love York (and there's lots to do there), if you are wanting to get into the North York Moors or the Yorkshire Dales, then Thirsk is the better location. There are also regular trains from Thirsk to York - it takes just less than 20 minutes - and the station isn't too far to walk to the centre of York.
As usual, I'm trying to be prepared for all possibilities, which is why I'm leaning towards a city location rather than a rural one. Thirsk seems large enough to have shops and restaurants, etc if the weather isn't as nice as we'd like for walking, but is still close enough to York that we could visit multiple times if we choose to. Knowing about the train makes Thirsk even more appealing!

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