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2018 - Starting Over

I'm a bit worried you're trying to fit too much into day 4 ;)

On a purely practical level, would you be able to slot laundry into day 6 as well? Doing the clothes washing every 6 days is pretty much what we do, and we pack for 7-8 days worth. Just a thought though on day 12. Depending on drying facilities (might have to be outside on a clothes line?) I'd reserve the option to switch day 11 and day 12, so that the clothes would dry, or if the weather is bad, you can revert to the original schedule if day 12 is better weather.

Having the car allows for shorter stays, so normal slow travel attitudes can be loosened :cool:. Worth thinking about how you can pack to leave some stuff in the car, to avoid getting into a cycle of packing / unpacking every 2-3 days. i.e. a bit of an 'overnight pack' mentality.

I've not driven to/from Dublin airport, but been through many times in Bus/taxi for work. The hardest part is probably being faced with a roundabout right at the start, but once past that the roads are modern and not overly busy (and you won't be driving into the city). Thus I'd recommend plotting the route from the hire car pickup to the motorway, and specifically then using google streetview to 'visualise it'. The familiarity with what you expect to see / turnings you'll take, should get you off to a good start.

Whilst on that subject, taxis aren't too expensive to get into Dublin - from memory ~ under €40 2-3 years ago, so probably ~€40 now. Alternatively there are a couple of bus/coach services - I used to use aircoach which was fractionally cheaper than the other options (and a fair bit cheaper than a taxi). Buy the tickets before boarding from the kiosk just outside of the airport to the left as you exit. The coaches were pretty frequent and had about ten stops in the city centre.

Let me know if you end up near camden street, as this suburb has some very good restaurants, but not really worth the detour if you are staying more centrally.
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Thus I'd recommend plotting the route from the hire car pickup to the motorway, and specifically then using google streetview to 'visualise it'. The familiarity with what you expect to see / turnings you'll take, should get you off to a good start.

This is just what I do! I go down the streets with streetview to see what things will look like, and when we get to the place in reality there is a strange deja-vu because I've seen it all before on streetview!
I'm a bit worried you're trying to fit too much into day 4 ;)

Oops! I've corrected that! Thanks for catching it!

As I said, I'm just using this as a starting point, and with 3 nights in Dingle it seems better to do laundry on day 10 rather than waiting until the last day, right?

And we'll certainly try to pack so that some suitcases never have to be opened, or even removed from the car.

Again, still very early in the process, but I welcome comments and suggestions! Thanks!
The Antrim coast of Northern Ireland is spectacular, I don't know if I would want to miss it. We drove from Newcastle, Co. Down, to White Park Bay and it was an easy drive. This included stopping for a walk to see the waterfalls in Glenariff, and a drive out to Torr Head and Murlough Bay, it is all just stunning scenery. Giant's Causeway was a bit of a let down after the cliff top walk from White Park Bay to the Causeway, it was busy with tourists, although we were there in March.

We spent five weeks in Northern Ireland/Ireland and really, I loved Donegal the most. Ireland is incredible but the wild Donegal is something special.
Thank you @MarshaF , I appreciate your input. My biggest hurdle right now is to decide on how many days to allow for Ireland. 2 weeks for sure, how many more is still depending on our final itinerary. I'm tempted to go with the RS itinerary just because I'm lazy, but I'm wondering if there are additional places that he doesn't mention, and your suggestion is just what I was hoping for.
The RS itinerary seems to hit the tourist hot spots, which is totally fine, but there is so much more to Ireland, off the tourist route. I didn't bother with a guide book or travel forums, except for Slow Travel before it ended, where there were some pretty great comments regarding Ireland. What are you looking for with respect to Ireland? The north and the west of Ireland are tremendous for high impact scenery, so that is where we spent a lot of time. However, we spent a wonderful day in Co. Cork, in the countryside, scouting out old castle and abbey ruins, and it was a great day in an area with no tourists and just normal towns. The whole of Donegal is like that, and that is likely why we loved it so much. Days could be spent exploring Neolithic monuments if you are interested in that, there are wonderful things everywhere. You may want to go with planning your own itinerary, as it will get you really excited about Ireland.
Sounds great Barb. Tourism Ireland has the best travel documentation I have ever seen, you can sign up for their e-mail to get ideas and then drop into a tourism information centre right away in Dublin, and you will be overwhelmed with material. You can look into the Wild Atlantic Way, it is a well signed route up the west coast, there is an app for your smartphone and detailed travel booklets for every area.

For Neolithic sites, check these out online: Megalithic Ireland, Voices From the Dawn and Irish Megaliths.

For walking: walkNI.com, walkingroutes.ie, irishtrails.ie and activeme.ie Also, every county or area has a website with a lot of walking routes and things to explore, the information provided on their websites is really great.

Don't forget to talk to the Irish people, they are very kind, informative and friendly, we spent a lot of time talking to the local people, and they give really good recommendations for things to see.
I presume Hampshire is the easiest route to Isle of Wight. Thus might be worth taking the car on the ferry & doing it between Dorset and Sussex?
The only problem with that is the Sat-Sat (or Fri-Fri) rentals - when we leave one we have to drive to the next one the same day, which made me think we'd have to visit the Isle of Wight somewhere during our stay in either Dorset or Sussex. Perhaps a mid-week visit might be better anyway?

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