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60 Days - Central Europe


10+ Posts
We have taken several 60 day trips - Italy, New Zealand, China.
We need some help putting together a trip to include:
Turkey (Istanbul), Poland (Krakow), Czech Republic (Prague & Slovenia), Austria (Vienna), Hungary (Budapest), Paris & Normandy, Portugal, Croatia (Dubrovnik), and Greece (Athens).
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
That’s 10 places! Will you spend a week in each place? How do plan to move between places? Trains or car or by air, or a combination?

Not sure which country forum this belongs in, so will leave it here.
What route are you thinking about? Paris, Normandy and Portugal seem far from the other places.

Is there a theme to your trip? What things are you interested in seeing and doing?

If you do a search for each country on the forums, you will find trip reports and other posts that might help you.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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