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A counter-intuitive map and a passport index website


1000+ Posts
Recuperating from a fever led to some extra web-surfing time, in which I found two items that might interest some :

1) A map that shows "European and North American Cities transposed onto the opposite continent at the same latitiude". The title seems uninteresting until you look at the maps and see how counter-intuitive some of the results are. Read the page (click open the maps, they are a bit small), and also check out another map that is linked there, showing the latitudes of the relative populations of each North-American vs. European countries :

2) An index of passports that displays info about this document of every country, especially how "strong" it is with regards the ease to enter other countries. There's also a page that shows all of them together, side by side. I must say, it's about time countries invested a bit more aesthetics in their national graphics. Maybe Mongolia and Brazil got it right...

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