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A Wet Winter in Southern England

My goodness, certainly lots of weather everywhere! We've certainly had more than our share here and it's snowing again. More severe weather on every end. Hot/cold. Rain/dry. This is what the predictions have been for climate change. Extremes.
The last in this series of very bad storms came today. It is raining now (heavy) and the wind is blowing. Even some lightening which is rare here. Next week is supposed to be better.

I read that in the 2007 floods 60,000 homes were flooded. More flood defenses were built and this time just over 5,000 homes have flooded. Many of those flood defenses saved a lot of homes. Our area, Gloucestershire, was hit badly in 2007 but it is not as bad here now.
I am very pleased to say that since that last storm on the weekend, we are back to normal February weather. Some sun, some overcast, some light rain. Spring is in the air. The crocuses are out. There are more birds around.

The flooding is no longer dominating the evening news. Trains are almost back to normal between London Paddington and Reading (still some delays because of the flooding).

The crocuses in Painswick yesterday.


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