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APP: Italian Food Decoder by Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls


Forums Admin
Dana and Michael released their wonderful Italian Menu Decoder app a couple of years ago. The app company they were partnered with is no longer doing apps, so they redid the whole thing, and updated it, on a new platform.

Read more about the Italian Food Decoder app for iPhone/iPad or Android on their website.

We purchased their original app and were able to update (for free) to this new one on the iTunes store.

This app is highly recommended - just what you need for your trip to Italy!
I agree, this is such a wonderful and helpful app!! I used it quite often when I was on my Prosecco tour last October!!

Thank you so much for recommending this app. The classifications of farina alone have helped, and that was just in the description of the app!
Thank you so much for recommending this app. The classifications of farina alone have helped, and that was just in the description of the app!
Oops! I just posted this and realized that the app won't open. I get the title page and that's it. Help anyone?
Oops! I just posted this and realized that the app won't open. I get the title page and that's it. Help anyone?
I find many apps hard to figure out. For this one, the main page displays while the app loads, and soon disappears and you are presented with the TOPICS page.

The two ways I use it are to search for a food term or to read about food for a region.

To search for a food term - click the Menu Icon in the upper left and select search, then type in your term. The list of possible articles is shown. Click on a article title to read it.

To read information by region - on the TOPICS page you see ITALIAN REGIONS. Click that. On the next page you see links at the bottom to sections for Northern Italy, Central and Southern. From there you get a discussion of foods and links to articles for each region. For example, click on Tuscany and you get the list of food terms for Tuscany.

Remember you have that BACK arrow on the lower left to move back to previous pages.

Here is a screen snap of the Tuscany page.

Thank you Pauline. I should have explained that I was having trouble not with the app itself, but with my iPad not opening it. I finally upgraded to 9.2 and there it was! What a wonderful app! I've been to Italy several times and even went on a culinary tour with some college students, but this explains so much. I'm hoping to find the names of some of the things I ate as a child at my grandparents' house.
Also, as I heard from Jonathan Morgan, there was indeed a hitch in opening the app in the older iOS versions (8.3.4 if I recall), but our app developer fixed it and it should work fine now in the latest version, which came out yesterday.

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