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App: Italian Menu Decoder

Dana, in case you are reading this, I just tried to open the Italian Menu Decoder on my iPad Mini (running iOS 7.1) and it keeps crashing. It has worked in the past, but I haven't tried to use it for a while. Today I wanted to check it out because we are going to Italy soon, but I could not get it to load. As soon as I open it, it quits. I tried uninstalling it and downloading it again, then restarting the iPad, but it still doesn't work. Is this a problem you are aware of?

I also have it on my iPhone, which is still running iOS 6, and it works fine on there.
Hi Roz, Oh dear! That's no good, and the first time I've heard of a problem like that. There were initially some iOS7 bugs, but they were supposed to be fixed in version 2.0 that came out in October. I will write to Sutro to see if they have any clues, and get back to you.
Roz, the same thing is happening to me on my iPad Mini (iOS 7.1).....thanks for posting about this. Hoping Dana can advise us. I'm not leaving until October :(
Mindy, I'm glad you saw this, since I knew you had the app, and I was going to ask you to check to make sure it wasn't just me!
Pokey and Roz, just to let both know Sutro's techie guy is looking into it. Apparently this is the first he's heard of it.. and it hasn't happened yet with any of Sutro's other apps. I don't know if that is good or bad! But I'll keep you posted.
Hi Dana,

I tried again this morning to log into the app....it goes to the first page for a nano second then it crashes.....

Thank you for checking this out for us!!

Mindy :D
I'd like to get this, but as an android user, I'd feel cheated if I didn't have the same functionality as the apple version. I wonder if that is being fixed.
I could have used this years ago in Rome when I ordered zampino and was served "pig trotters" . I would have preferred sausage.:D
Hi Bill, I wish I could say the search facility is being sorted on Android, but I can't (if I were boss of Sutro, it sure would be!) But I'm afraid, in spite of our nagging, that it's not a priority for them, especially as I think our app is the only one they offer with such as ridiculous amount of entries. I can understand that by the time you had scrolled down to zampino the waiter would have wandered off in despair.
Yes, thanks, Dana -- hope the techie guys can figure it out.
Roz and Mindy, just to let you know I've re-pestered the techie guys about the app as I still haven't heard anything, except a vague promise they would look into it (ah for the days when we could pick up the phone and have a nice civil chat with the publisher when something was wrong—now I have to send begging emails to guys in SF I've never met. Not the same.)
I have an iPad mini with IOS 7.1.1 and the app works well for me. I used it quite a bit the other day, testing it.

This may have been mentioned, but you could try deleting it and re-installing.

Apps on iPhone/iPad are not always stable in my experience. Sometimes they just shut down. But, if they always shut down, then there is a problem.
Well, bummer, I updated the latest version today of IOS 7.1.1 and still no luck with the app. I deleted and re-installed but it still crashes. This is on my IPad Mini. I also did the same on my iPhone but neither works :( I'm so bummed.

I don't understand why it works for you Pauline and not me me me!!

Well, I have until Oct 9th to get it to work again.

Check the space on your iPad. Go to settings - general - usage. It takes awhile, but a list of all your apps appears saying the space they use. Italian Menu takes 144mb. Tap the name of the app and you get more details. Mine is version 61696, using 83.3mb in data.

My total space on my iPad is 27.6gb used with 414mb free. I have it loaded up with music and tv shows. Looking at my list of apps I see several I don't use that are taking up space.

If you don't have lots of space free, try removing something to make more space, then try the app.

We will do some googling to see what causes these problems.
Hi Pauline, I'll try that, but I doubt space is a problem. last I checked I had a ton of space. I sent Sutro Media an email, so hopefully I'll hear back from them. I'll keep you posted :)
Steve has a suggestion. Reset the iPad. This does not delete apps or data, but you will have to login to each app again, including logging in to your wifi again. He had a app that was not working and this fixed it for him.

Settings - General - Reset (at the bottom of the page). Select "Reset All Settings".

Looks like you have lots of storage available - so it was not that. Good idea to email Sutro!!
I'll give that a try when I'm home. Tell Steve thank you...if it works or not
Mindy, so hope Steve's idea works! Sutro techie guys have been trying to replicate the crashing problem on their ipad minis using the same iOS as you've been using without any success. And they say if they can't replicate it, they can't solve the problem. So fingers crossed!

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