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Article - The world's largest cruise ship and its supersized pollution problem

Pauline, I am surprised to hear that it is crowded in Italy, since I've found it very easy to find accommodations for my upcoming trip. Prices have dropped recently and there has been more availability showing up in the past couple of weeks.
I got my threads mixed up I think. We were talking about the number of tourists in Italy in this thread and I linked to this article:

The Observer - Benvenuto in Italia! Join the queue as tourist numbers soar, by Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Sunday 24 July 2016
Holidaymakers seek safety in Italy but historic hotspots may struggle to absorb the crowds

I just posted on the other thread after returning from Italy.: Milan, Modena and Parma not busy. Venice, Verona, Lake Garda very crowded first 2 weeks of August '16. Many large groups were staying in our hotel.

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