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Transportation AutoEurope rates change, so good to check again before trip


Forums Admin
We are off to Italy in two weeks and I am putting together my itinerary notes. I did all the bookings in February. For each trip I write a detailed itinerary with all the info for flights, car rental, accommodations. My fear is that someday, on a trip, I will completely space out and forget where I am and who I am - so this itinerary which I print out (a copy for me, a copy for Steve, an extra in my carryon) and put in the cloud (in OneNote with all my other travel information for the trip) will save me if that every happens.

Writing the itinerary gives me a chance to check all the bookings and once it is done, Steve and I go through it together and compare my booking info with the itinerary (because a few years ago I booked a hotel for the wrong date and we only found out when standing at a locked gate in France).

I compared my AutoEurope car rental rate and was surprised to see it was similar to the rate we got last year but that was for 3 weeks and this trip is 2 weeks. So I checked the prices and today's price was almost 50% lower!!! I cancelled the earlier booking and rebooked.
Good point on rental rates changing. I do the same thing and re-check hotels too (if we're staying in any). Sometimes their rates will drop a week or two before our arrival. I also keep folders for our trips on GoogleDrive. The itinerary is there, but also copies of rental confirmations, PNRs for rail and air tix, and scans of our passports. I used to carry paper copies of all that, but there's no need anymore.
I also for the past 7 years have kept in OneNote details of each trip. When planning I add have a page per trip and add flights, apartments, etc. as I book (with links) I pre-plan with a list of possible activities and track anything that is booked for a specific time. I'll continue to update during the trip with thoughts on restaurants, WiFi passwords, etc. for places I may go back to at some point. At the end of the trip the page gets moved from my current & future section to a past trips section in case I ever want to refer to anything again. Having it in the cloud and accessible from my phone makes look up on the go easy. I can't imagine planning any other way now. There's little I print anymore to bring - AutoEurope vouchers being one exception here. I just checked my August reservation with AutoEurope and no drop in price yet - thanks for the reminder for this. I'll have to check again a little closer.
I use OneNote for everything and do the same as you for travel. I have a country folder where I collect notes and articles. A folder for each trip and I keep all the past ones to refer to. I do print some things out, vouchers, directions, all contact info. But each year less is printed.

I used to do all this with a filing cabinet and paper. So much easier now.

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Booking.com Hotels in Europe
AutoEurope.com Car Rentals

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