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Paris Best area to stay in Paris for about 10 days?


New Member
Hi, we plan on staying in Paris for about 10 days in mid July.
We will be doing all the touristy things in the city + other touristy day trips (ie, Giverny, Versaille, etc) since it's our first family trip with our 8 year old.

Could you recommend the best area to stay?
Best websites to book a place if VRBO and Airbnb is not as suitable for Paris for some reason?
If you can recommend some must do day trips/activities, I would welcome any suggestions regarding Paris.

Thank you!
Hello! I'd say regardless of advice, book something now! Something refundable, but this is kind of late to book, actually.

We don't have children, so I'm not sure where the best place to stay with kids might be. Near a park for sure, and close to the Metro also. Be sure not to over-plan your days, so that you can allow for real life to direct your sight-seeing and tours. You'll all be tired/jet-lagged if going from US, your 8 year old will feel pent-up after being on a plane for so long. You might find yourselves wishing you had "free time" built in to just play in the Jardins du Luxembourg or linger over hot chocolate at Angelina's.

You are going to get great suggestions here, I'm sure. They will include places to stay, certainly, but in the mean time get some lodging and meal reservations made.

Tell us what your 8 year old enjoys, what the rest of the family enjoys and your adventure level with food. Food restrictions? Are you art-lovers, shoppers, monument seekers? Are you an indoor or an outdoor family? Give us some background information to work with and maybe a budget "level" -you don't have to list dollar amount, but "budget conscious" or "once in a lifetime splurge trip" or "moderate rates" would be helpful. And then, remember it's Paris - in Summer. Even budget conscious is pricey.


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