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Best spring month to visit Bologna, Vicenza, Padova, etc

We have booked a few nights at Bologna nel Cuore for next year. First time to Bologna in 8 trips to Europe - I know, what took me so long? - so we are looking forward to our stay and getting to know the area. Also plan to do a market/cooking class; had a link to an offering somewhere but cannot locate it now.
Hey, SuzanneT: I see you're going to Ravenna. Me too - the first three weeks in May. When will you be there? Any tips? I'm planning to take Italian lessons and do the sights really sloooowly. If you're into history, I can highly recommend "Ravenna in Late Antiquity" by Deliyannis (I was able to snag an inexpensive used copy on amazon, but the current prices are much higher - see https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/110761290X/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 )

As for Bologna, check out the terra cotta statue in Santa Maria della Vita. Blew my socks off the first time I saw it.
That's fantastic. When will you be there?

We will be there February 2019. I like planning ahead, perhaps a tad too early. Air France has already rescheduled some of our flights (leaving in January, returning late February). Since we will be in Venice for part of Carnevale, I nailed down an apartment first thing after booking flights.
We're hoping to be in the same area in the first week of October - will be interesting to compare meteorological conditions between the two seasons....
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We tend to travel late January - March for our trips. Just works better for our jobs and budgets. I've been over several times in October, wore sandals a few times, and got looks.
We were in Bologna March 2017 and are returning May 2019. Last year we had absolutely perfect weather in Bologna, but I believe that this March was colder and rainy.

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