Has anyone mentioned "Valley of Tears" here? If so, don't see it. This is the English title of the recent Israeli TV series "Sha'at Ne'ila", referring to the closing service of the Yom Kippur fast day; the English title refers to the battle site in the Golan, during the 1973 Yom Kippur war. In the US you can watch it on HBO Max; I actually got a subscription for a month to watch it.
During my 2015 trip to Israel, I spent three days in the northern Galil and the Golan Heights with an incredible guide (Richard Woolf) and he took me to the site of the horrific tank battles (the Valley of Tears, Emek haBace). The armaments are still there.
On HBO Max you can watch the series either with Hebrew dialogue (and get English subtitles) or dubbed into English.
(And did I mention I have a ticket on miles to return to Israel this coming October?? Completely refundable, but one can hope..)
I'm inserting a link to the NY Times review; the Ha'aretz review is more informative but is behind a paywall.
Grappling with the traumatic opening of the 1973 war, when Israel feared destruction, the series “Valley of Tears” has prompted a national outpouring of emotion.